What’s Travel Like in a Boeing Business Jet?

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9 months ago

An important client needs to meet with you in person at once. For this trip, there is no time to fly standby on a commercial flight and hope you can get there in time. The only logical approach is to arrange for a Boeing BBJ charter. Since you’ve never done this before, here is what you can expect to happen.

Forget About Long Waits at the Gate

The nice thing about business jets is that you don’t have to stand in line to check in or deal with the hassles associated with commercial flights. All you need to do is call ahead to let the pilot know you are on the way to the airport. The jet will be stocked with whatever is needed for the flight. All you have to do is show up, watch as your luggage is loaded, and take your place on the jet. What could be easier?

All That Room

If you find the seating on commercial flights to be a bit cramped, that will not be the problem on a corporate aircraft. Instead of feeling boxed in by the seats directly in front and the lack of headroom, the feel will be much like settling into a comfortable chair at home. That makes it all the easier for you to relax, take a nap, or enjoy the scenery while the jet is in the air.

Work Space When You Need It

Once the jet is in the air, you will be free to use spaces set aside for reading or work. You’ll find plenty of outlets to plug in your devices. If you have hard copy files that need to be spread out and reviewed before you meet with your client, there is space for that as well. By the time the jet reaches the destination, you’ll feel more confident about the preparations that were made along the way.

Space to Freshen Up

Perhaps you plan on going straight from the airport to your client’s place of business. That means you will need to freshen up first. Instead of dealing with cramped restrooms on commercial flights or having to find a public restroom at the airport, make use of the more spacious accommodations found on business jets. Before the time comes to begin the descent for the landing, you can be fresh and ready to step off the plan and take care of business.

More Amenities

The charter flight will have more amenities you can enjoy. That includes a reasonable selection of snacks and beverages. On longer flights, your meal choices will be more varied than those provided on commercial flights. Everything possible will be done to ensure you are comfortable and properly cared for during the entire trip.

There is no doubt that flying on a Bizjet is the way to go. With flexibility in departure and arrival times, room to be comfortable and space to work if necessary, your flight can be a productive one. Consider using a Boeing charter jet for your next flight. Rest assured the trip will pay for itself when you reach your customer quickly and ensure the relationship is still solid.

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